Daniel Douglas

and 8 more

Reprocessed and newly acquired seismic data provide new constraints on lithospheric flexure profiles beneath the Hawaiian Islands. We use these new observations and three-dimensional numerical models of lithospheric deformation combining elasticity, brittle failure, low-temperature plasticity (LTP) and high-temperature creep deformation mechanisms to constrain the thermal structure and rheology of the oceanic lithosphere lithosphere. When simulating normal oceanic lithospheric conditions with experimentally-derived LTP flow laws, the lithosphere flexes with too little amplitude and over too large a wavelength compared to observations. This result supports prior studies which call on the need to (1) adjust the LTP flow laws or, alternatively, to (2) account for magma-assisted flexural weakening of the lithosphere. Here, models that explore reductions in the activation energy of LTP are able to explain the observations of flexure with a smaller reduction than previously suggested. Models that explore elevated temperatures attributed to hotspot magmatism localized beneath the island edifices also produce close fits to the observed flexural profiles. Although the two factors cannot be distinguished based on fits to the flexure profiles, magma-assisted flexural weakening is supported by recent studies of geothermobarometry of pyroxenite xenoliths from O‘ahu, seismic structure and patterns of seismicity beneath the Hawaiian chain. If magma-assisted flexure is a common phenomenon at other ocean islands and seamounts, it could explain global trends in effective elastic plate thickness at those settings as well as at subduction zones and fracture zones.

Collin Brandl

and 4 more

Detailed models of crustal structure at volcanic passive margins offer insight into the role of magmatism and distribution of igneous addition during continental rifting. The Eastern North American Margin (ENAM) is a volcanic passive margin that formed during the breakup of Pangea ~200 Myr ago. The offshore, margin-parallel East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA) is thought to mark the locus of synrift magmatism. Previous widely spaced margin-perpendicular studies seismically imaged igneous addition as seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs) and high velocity lower crust (HVLC; >7.2 km/s) beneath the ECMA. Along-strike imaging is necessary to more accurately determine the distribution and volume of igneous addition during continental breakup. We use wide-angle, marine active-source seismic data from the 2014-2015 ENAM Community Seismic Experiment to determine crustal structure beneath a ~370-km-long section of the ECMA. P-wave velocity models based on data from short-period ocean bottom seismometers reveal a ~21-km-thick crust with laterally variable lower crust velocities ranging from 6.9 to 7.5 km/s. Sections with HVLC alternate with two ~30-km-wide areas where the velocities do not exceed 7.0 km/s. This variable structure indicates that HVLC is discontinuous along the margin. Velocity-thickness analysis indicates that the HVLC discontinuity is the result of variable intrusion along-strike. Our results suggest that magmatism during early rifting was segmented and was lower in volume than previously thought. The HVLC discontinuities roughly align with locations of Mid-Atlantic Ridge fracture zones, which may indicate that early rift segmentation influenced later segmentation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Zongshan Li

and 3 more

We develop a 3-D isotropic shear velocity model for the Alaska subduction zone using data from seafloor and land-based seismographs to investigate along-strike variations in structure. By applying ambient noise and teleseismic Helmholtz tomography, we derive Rayleigh wave group and phase velocity dispersion maps, then invert them for shear velocity structure using a Bayesian Monte Carlo algorithm. For land-based stations, we perform a joint inversion of receiver functions and dispersion curves. The forearc crust is relatively thick (35-42 km) and has reduced lower crustal velocities beneath the Kodiak and Semidi segments, which may promote higher seismic coupling. Bristol Bay Basin crust is relatively thin and has a high-velocity lower layer, suggesting a dense mafic lower crust emplaced by the rifting processes.  The incoming plate shows low uppermost mantle velocities, indicating serpentinization. This hydration is more pronounced in the Shumagin segment, with greater velocity reduction extending to 18 ± 3 km depth, compared to the Semidi segment, showing smaller reductions extending to 14 ± 3 km depth. Our estimates of percent serpentinization from VS reduction and VP/VS are larger than those determined using VP reduction in prior studies, likely due to water in cracks affecting VS more than VP. Revised estimates of serpentinization show that more water subducts than previous studies, and that twice as much mantle water is subducted in the Shumagin segment compared to the Semidi segment. Together with estimates from other subduction zones, the results indicate a wide variation in subducted mantle water between different subduction segments.

Jacob Clarke

and 7 more

Oceanic plates experience extensive normal faulting as they bend and subduct, enabling fracturing of the crust and upper mantle. Debate remains about the relative importance of pre-existing faults, plate curvature and other factors in controlling the extent and style of bending-related faulting. The subduction zone off the Alaska Peninsula is an ideal place to investigate controls on bending-related faulting as the orientation of abyssal-hill fabric with respect to the trench and plate curvature vary along the margin. Here we characterize bending faulting between longitudes 161°W and 155ºW using newly collected multibeam bathymetry data. We also use a compilation of seismic reflection data to constrain patterns of sediment thickness on the incoming plate. Although sediment thickness increases by over 1 km from 156°W to 160°W, most sediments were deposited prior to the onset of bending faulting and thus have limited impact on the expression of bend-related fault strikes and throws in bathymetry data. Where magnetic anomalies trend subparallel to the trench (<30°) west of ~156ºW, bending faulting parallels magnetic anomalies, implying bending faulting reactivates pre-existing structures. Where magnetic anomalies are highly oblique (>30°) to the trench east of 156ºW, no bending faulting is observed. Summed fault throws increase to the west, including where pre-existing structure orientations do not vary between 157-161ºW, suggesting that the increase in slab curvature directly influences fault throws. However, the westward increase in summed fault throws is more abrupt than expected for changes in slab bending alone, suggesting potential feedbacks between pre-existing structures, slab dip, and faulting.