Jacob Richardson

and 3 more

Distributed-style volcanism is an end member of terrestrial volcanism that produces clusters of small volcanoes when isolated magma bodies ascend from broad magma source regions. Volcano clusters can develop over millions of years, one volcano at a time, and can be used to infer unobserved geologic phenomena, including subsurface stresses and cracks during eruption periods. The Tharsis Volcanic Province covers approximately one-quarter of the martian surface and hosts a large concentration of small volcanoes that formed from distributed volcanism. We present a catalog of 1106 small volcanic vents identified within Tharsis Volcanic Province. This catalog includes morphologic measurements for each cataloged vent. Vent lengths range from 71 m to 51 km, widths range from 40 m to 3.1 km, and 90% of vents have lengths at least 1.5 times their widths. Additionally, 90% of edifices associated with vents have topographic prominences <100 m. Vents are found throughout Tharsis, though they generally form clusters near large volcanoes or among large graben sets. Older regions with volcanic eruption ages of >1 Ga are found at the Tharsis periphery in the Tempe-Mareotis region and Syria Planum. Vents in the Tharsis interior have reported ages <500 Ma. Regional trends in vent orientation and intervent alignment are dependent on nearby central volcanoes and fossae. We use these findings to hypothesize that within the most recent 500 Ma, magma was present under and to the east of the Tharsis Montes and that some of this magma erupted and built hundreds of small volcanoes in this region.

Scott Guzewich

and 8 more

Volcanic flood basalt eruptions have covered 1000s of km2 with basalt deposits up to kilometers thick. The massive size and extended duration result in enormous releases of climactically-relevant gases such as SO2 and CO2. However, it is still unknown precisely how flood basalt eruptions influence climate via eruption rates and cadence, height of the volcanic plumes, and relative degassing abundance of species like SO2. Once eruptions occur, the complex interplay of photochemistry, greenhouse gas warming, changes to the atmospheric circulation, and aerosol-cloud interactions can only be properly simulated with a comprehensive global climate model (GCM). We created an eruption scenario for the Goddard Chemistry Climate Model (GEOSCCM) that emits SO2 in the near-surface atmosphere constantly and four times per year an explosive eruption that emits much more SO2 in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere. The eruption lasts for 4 years and emits 30 Gt of SO2 total. This corresponds to ~1/10th of what may have been emitted during the Wapshilla Ridge eruption phase of the Columbia River flood basalt eruption 15-17 Ma. We use a pre-industrial atmosphere and otherwise modern initial and boundary conditions. The massive flux of SO2 into the atmosphere is quickly converted to H2SO4 aerosols. Global area-weighted mean visible band sulfate aerosol optical depth reaches 220 near the end of the eruption, comparable to cumulonimbus clouds. This reduces the surface shortwave radiative flux by 85% and top-of-atmosphere outgoing longwave flux by 70%. Contrary to our expectations, we find that the climate warms during and immediately following the eruption after a very brief initial cooling. Global mean surface temperature peaks 3-4 years after the eruption ends with a +6 K anomaly relative to a baseline simulation without the eruption. Post-eruption regional temperatures, particularly near-equatorial continental areas, see drastic rises of summertime temperatures with monthly mean temperatures equaling or exceeding 40°C. These temperature responses are radiative- and circulation-driven. The eruption warms and raises the tropical tropopause, allowing a massive flux of water vapor into the stratosphere. Stratospheric water vapor, usually ~3 parts per million reaches 1-2 parts per thousand.