Why do the global warming responses of land-surface models and climatic
dryness metrics disagree?
Earth System Models’ complex land components simulate a patchwork of
increases and decreases in surface water availability when driven by
projected future climate changes. Yet, commonly-used simple theories for
surface water availability, such as the Aridity Index (P/E0) and Palmer
Drought Severity Index (PDSI), obtain severe, globally dominant drying
when driven by those same climate changes, leading to disagreement among
published studies. In this work, we use a common modeling framework to
show that ESM simulated runoff-ratio and soil-moisture responses become
much more consistent with the P/E0 and PDSI responses when several
previously known factors that the latter do not account for are cut out
of the simulations. This reconciles the disagreement and makes the full
ESM responses more understandable. For ESM runoff ratio, the most
important factor causing the more positive global response compared to
P/E0 is the concentration of precipitation in time with greenhouse
warming. For ESM soil moisture, the most important factor causing the
more positive global response compared to PDSI is the effect of
increasing carbon dioxide on plant physiology, which also drives most of
the spatial variation in the runoff ratio enhancement. The effect of
increasing vapor-pressure deficit on plant physiology is a key secondary
factor for both. Future work will assess the utility of both the ESMs
and the simple indices for understanding observed, historical trends.