Direct-runoff and baseflow are the two primary components of total
streamflow and their accurate estimation is indispensable for a variety
of hydrologic applications. While direct runoff is the quick response
stemming from surface and shallow subsurface flow paths, and is often
associated with floods, baseflow represents the groundwater contribution
to streams and is crucial for environmental flow regulations,
groundwater recharge, and water supply, among others. L’vovich (1979)
proposed a two-step water balance where precipitation is divided into
direct runoff and catchment wetting followed by the disaggregation of
the latter into baseflow and evapotranspiration. Although arguably a
better approach than the traditional Budyko framework, the physical
controls of direct runoff and baseflow are still not fully understood.
Here, we investigate the role of the aridity index (ratio between mean
annual potential evapotranspiration and precipitation) in controlling
the long-term (mean-annual) fluxes of direct runoff and baseflow. We
present an analytical solution beginning with similar assumptions as
proposed by Budyko (1974), leading to two complementary expressions for
the two fluxes. The aridity index explained 83% and 91% of variability
in direct runoff and baseflow from 499 catchments within the continental
US, and our formulations were able to reproduce the patterns of water
balance proposed by L’vovich (1979) at the mean annual timescale. Our
approach allows for the prediction of baseflow and direct runoff at
ungauged basins and can be used to further understand how climate and
landscape controls the terrestrial water balance at mean annual