June 08, 2024
Understanding Full-Depth Steric Sea Level Change in the Southwest Pacific Basin using...
Ratnaksha Lele and Sarah G. Purkey
April 03, 2023
Global Patterns of Bias in Ocean Mixing Parameterization Identified Through Unsupervi...
Ratnaksha Lele, Sarah G. Purkey, Jennifer A MacKinnon, et al.
October 03, 2022
Annually-resolved propagation of CFCs and SF6 in the global ocean over eight decades
Laura Cimoli, Geoffrey Gebbie, Sarah G. Purkey, et al.
January 20, 2022
Serendipitous Internal Wave Signals in Deep Argo Data
Gregory C. Johnson, Caitlin Whalen, Sarah G. Purkey, et al.
July 14, 2020
Abyssal Stratification Change in the Southwest Pacific Basin
Helen Jingyi Zhang, Caitlin Whalen, Nirnimesh Kumar, et al.