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April 21, 2024
Reindeer grazing inhibits climate-driven biodiversity in the Fennoscandian tundra
Juan Ignacio Ramirez, Maya Sundqvist , Elin Lindén, et al.
May 20, 2022
Species losses, gains, and changes in persistent species are associated with distinct...
Emma Ladouceur, Shane Blowes, Jonathan Chase, et al.
June 28, 2021
Opposing community assembly patterns for dominant and non-dominant plant species in h...
Carlos Alberto Arnillas, Elizabeth Borer, Eric Seabloom, et al.
April 16, 2021
Nutrients and herbivores impact grassland stability across multiple spatial scales th...
Q. Q. Chen, Shaopeng Wang, Eric Seabloom, et al.
April 02, 2020
Dynamic effects of insect herbivory and climate on tundra shrub growth: roles of brow...
Risto Virtanen, Adam Clark, Michael den Herder, et al.