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Ganna Portyankina

and 5 more

For the first time, model-derived and imagery-derived wind directions and speeds have been compared in Mars’ south polar region. Seasonal fan-shaped deposits are routinely observed by HiRISE in the polar regions. They are widely accepted to result from CO 2 gas jet eruptions. Fan lengths, sizes, and shapes can provide information about wind directions and strengths at the times such eruptions occur. We utilize a catalog of those fan-shaped deposits, marked by citizen scientists within the framework of the Planet Four (P4) project, at 27 regions of interest (ROIs) for two spring seasons (Mars Year 29 and 30). Fans change considerably from one HiRISE image to another at most of these ROIs as wind direction changes over the spring season. Leveraging this characteristic, intraseasonal variations in near-surface wind speeds and directions were retrieved and compared to near-surface winds predicted by a mesoscale atmospheric model (MRAMS) at the same ROIs. At most ROIs P4-inferred wind directions are consistent with those from MRAMS. The P4-derived wind speeds are less constrained, but are consistent with MRAMS wind speeds at the majority of ROIs. The overall consistency between the P4-inferred and MRAMS wind directions supports the underlying assumption that fan formation is controlled by the wind, and is not simply due to ballistic trajectories of material exiting suitably non-vertical vents. Measurements of seasonal fan-shaped deposits in HiRISE imagery can thus provide important intraseasonal information about near-surface winds-invaluable for both validating climate modeling and quantitatively investigating Mars polar processes.

Glenn S Orton

and 19 more

In the first 20 orbits of the Juno spacecraft around Jupiter, we have identified a variety of wave-like features in images made by its public-outreach camera, JunoCam. Because of Juno’s unprecedented and repeated proximity to Jupiter’s cloud tops during its close approaches, JunoCam has detected more wave structures than any previous surveys. Most of the waves appear in long wave packets, oriented east-west and populated by narrow wave crests. Spacing between crests were measured as small as ~30 km, shorter than any previously measured. Some waves are associated with atmospheric features, but others are not ostensibly associated with any visible cloud phenomena and thus may be generated by dynamical forcing below the visible cloud tops. Some waves also appear to be converging and others appear to be overlapping, possibly at different atmospheric levels. Another type of wave has a series of fronts that appear to be radiating outward from the center of a cyclone. Most of these waves appear within 5° of latitude from the equator, but we have detected waves covering planetocentric latitudes between 20°S and 45°N. The great majority of the waves appear in regions associated with prograde motions of the mean zonal flow. Juno was unable to measure the velocity of wave features to diagnose the wave types due to its close and rapid flybys. However, both by our own upper limits on wave motions and by analogy with previous measurements, we expect that the waves JunoCam detected near the equator are inertia-gravity waves.