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KHI Tube & Knot Dynamics in a Weakly Unstable Stratospheric Mixing Event
  • Tyler S Mixa,
  • David C. Fritts,
  • Thomas Lund
Tyler S Mixa

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David C. Fritts
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Thomas Lund
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Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities (KHI) are known to be significant drivers of atmospheric turbulence. Recent observations show KHI forming with misaligned or angled billow segments that develop connecting vortex tubes and knots (T&K); these features promote distinctive, event-defining instability and mixing characteristics that were not accounted for in prior idealized studies. Though T&K have been shown to increase mixing in KHI events with low Richardson numbers (Ri), their influence in weakly KH-unstable, less-idealized environments is unknown. Here we present modeling results of KHI in the stratosphere to assess the impact of T&K dynamics in weakly KH-unstable environments. Radiosonde wind and temperature profiles from 22 February, 2006 near Lamont, Oklahoma measured vertically offset shear and stability peaks near 16.15 km with a minimum Ri = 0.11. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of this event reveal decreasing shear and increasing stratification, where Ri increases to 0.2 as the shear and stratification peaks move to a common altitude. The resulting KHI exhibit T&K features forming adjacent to, and in superposition with, secondary convective instabilities (CI) rather than superseding them as in prior T&K studies with Ri = 0.05. Newly-discovered “crankshaft” instabilities distort the billows and give rise to secondary KHI with delayed, elevated dissipation. KHI that exhibit T&K dynamics are found to accumulate ~60% greater mixing than axially-uniform KHI with equal or lower mixing efficiency. The substantial increase in mixing suggests significant contributions of T&K dynamics to KHI events throughout the atmosphere that remain unaddressed in general circulation models’ turbulence parameterizations.
23 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
26 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive