Decoding the interplay between tidal notch geometry and sea-level
variability during the Last Interglacial (Marine Isotopic Stage 5e) high
Relic coastal landforms (fossil corals, cemented intertidal deposits, or
erosive features carved onto rock coasts) serve as sea-level index
points (SLIPs) widely used to reconstruct past sea-level changes.
Traditional SLIP-based sea-level reconstructions face challenges in
capturing continuous sea-level variability and dating erosional
outcrops, such as ubiquitous tidal notches, carved around tidal level on
carbonate cliffs. We propose a novel approach to such challenges by
using a numerical cliff erosion model embedded within a Monte-Carlo
simulation to investigate the most likely sea-level scenarios
responsible for shaping one of the best-preserved tidal notches of the
Last Interglacial age in Sardinia, Italy. Results align with Glacial
Isostatic Adjustment model predictions, indicating that synchronized or
out-of-sync ice-volume shifts in Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets can
reproduce the notch morphology, with sea level confidently peaking at
6m. This new approach yields continuous sea-level insights, bridging
gaps in traditional methods and illuminating past Interglacial sea-level