The aim of this study was to investigate the production, stability and
applicability of colorants produced by filamentous fungi isolated from
soil samples from the Amazon. Initially, the isolates were evaluated in
a screening for the production of colorants. The influences of
cultivation and nutritional conditions on the production of colorants by
fungal isolates were investigated. The colorants produced by selected
fungal isolates were chemically characterized using the LC-MS technique.
The antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities, stability evaluation and
applicability of the colorants were investigated. As results, we
observed that the isolates Penicillium sclerotiorum P3SO224,
Clonostachys rosea P2SO329 and Penicillium gravinicasei P3SO332 stood
out since they produced the most intense colorants. Compounds produced
by Penicillium sclerotiorum P3SO224 and Clonostachys rosea P2SO329 were
identified as sclerotiorin and penicillic acid. The colorant fraction
(EtOAc) produced by these species has antimicrobial activity, stability
at temperature and at different pHs, stability when exposure to light
and UV, and when exposed to different concentrations of salts, as well
as being non-toxic and having the ability to dye fabrics and be used as
a pigment in creams and soap. Considering the results found in this
study, it was concluded that fungi from the soil in the Amazon have the
potential to produce colorants with applications in the textile and
pharmaceutical industries.