Internal variability of all-sky and clear-sky surface solar radiation on
decadal timescales
Internal variability comprises all processes that occur within the
climate system without any natural or anthropogenic forcing. Climate
driving variables like the surface solar radiation (SSR) are shown to
exhibit unforced trends (i.e. trends due to internal variability) of
magnitudes comparable to the magnitude of the forced signal even on
decadal timescales. We use annual mean data from 50 models participating
in the pre-industrial control experiment (piControl) of the Coupled
Model Intercomparison Project – Phase 6 (CMIP6) to give quantitative
grid-box specific estimates of the magnitudes of unforced trends. To
characterise a trend distribution, symmetrical around 0, we use the 75th
percentile of all possible values, which corresponds to a positive trend
with 25% chance of occurrence. For 30-year periods and depending on
geographical location, this trend has a magnitude between 0.15 and
2.1Wm-2/decade for all-sky and between 0.04 and
0.38Wm-2/decade for clear-sky SSR. The corresponding
area-weighted medians are 0.69Wm-2/decade for all-sky
trends and 0.17Wm-2/decade for clear-sky trends. The
influence of internal variability is on average 6 times smaller in
clear-sky, compared to all-sky SSR. The relative uncertainties of these
estimates, derived from the CMIP6 inter-model spread, are ±32% for
all-sky and ±43% for clear-sky SSR trends. Reasons for differences
between models like horizontal resolution, aerosol handling and the
representation of atmospheric and oceanic phenomena are investigated.
The results can be used in the analysis of observational time series by
attributing a probability for a trend to comprise a component due to
internal variability, given its magnitude, length and location.