GeoHealth Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked
(ICON) Science
This article provides a commentary about the state of Integrated,
equitable outcomes. GeoHealth research both characterizes and predicts
problems at the nexus of earth and human systems like climate change,
pollution, and natural hazards. While GeoHealth excels in the area of
integrated science, there is a need to improve coordinated and networked
efforts to produce open science that is for and with frontline
populations that are disproportionately marginalized by environmental
injustice or unequal protection from environmental harms and lack of
access and meaningful engagement in decision-making for a healthy
environment (EPA). GeoHealth practice has the opportunity to advance
environmental justice or the “fair treatment and meaningful involvement
of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income”
with respect to how research and collaboration of GeoHealth
professionals supports the “development, implementation, and
enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies” that
produce equal protection from environmental and health hazards and
access to the decision-making for a health environment (EPA). Here we
highlight barriers and opportunities to apply an equity-centered ICON
framework to the field of GeoHealth to advance environmental justice and
health equity.