The evolution of rock friction is more sensitive to slip than elapsed
time, even at near-zero slip rates
Nearly all frictional interfaces strengthen as the logarithm of time
when sliding at ultra-low speeds. Observations of also
logarithmic-in-time growth of interfacial contact area under such
conditions has led to constitutive models which assume that this
frictional strengthening results from purely time-dependent, and
slip-insensitive, contact area growth. The main laboratory support for
such strengthening has traditionally been derived from increases in
friction during ‘load-point hold’ experiments, wherein a sliding
interface is allowed to gradually self-relax down to sub-nanometric slip
rates. In contrast , following step decreases in the shear loading rate,
friction is widely reported to increase over a characteristic slip
scale, independent of the magnitude of the slip-rate decrease-a
signature of slip-dependent strengthening. To investigate this apparent
contradiction, we subjected granite samples to a series of step
decreases in shear rate of up to 3.5 orders of magnitude, and load-point
holds of up to 10,000 s, such that both protocols accessed the
phenomenologi-cal regime traditionally inferred to demonstrate
time-dependent fric-tional strengthening. When modeling the resultant
data, which probe interfacial slip rates ranging from 3 μm/s to less
than 10^-5 μm/s, we found that constitutive models where low
slip-rate friction evolution mimics log-time contact area growth require
parameters that differ by orders of magnitude across the different
experiments. In contrast, an alternative constitutive model in which
friction evolves only with interfacial slip fits most of the data well
with nearly identical parameters. This leads to the surprising
conclusion that frictional strengthening is dominantly slip dependent
even at sub-nanometric slip rates.