Characterizing the N2O isotopomer behavior of two N-disturbed soils
using natural abundance and isotopic labelling techniques
Nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas that
contributes significantly to climate change, is emitted mostly from
soils by a suite of microbial metabolic pathways that are nontrivial to
identify, and subsequently, to manage. Using either natural abundance or
enriched stable isotope methods has aided in identifying microbial
sources of N2O, but each approach has limitations. Here,
we conducted a novel pairing of natural abundance and enriched assays on
two dissimilar soils, hypothesizing this pairing would better constrain
microbial sources of N2O. We incubated paired natural
abundance and enriched soils from a corn agroecosystem and a subalpine
forest in the laboratory at 10-95% soil saturation for 28 hr. The
natural abundance method measured intramolecular site preference (SP)
from emitted N2O, whereas the enriched method measured
emitted 15N2O from soils amended with
15N-labelled substrate. The isotopic composition of
emitted N2O was measured using a laser-based
N2O isotopic analyzer, yielding three key findings.
First, isotopic signatures from natural abundance and enriched
N2O generally agreed in interpretation. Second, our
novel pairing of isotopic methodologies refined understanding of
microbial N-transformations in drier agricultural soil. In the 50%
saturation agricultural soil, nitrification might have been deemed an
important process based on SP alone, but enrichment helped reveal that
its contribution to N2O emissions was minor. Finally, we
quantified, to our knowledge for the first time, persistent
(>50%) β-position-specific enrichment in emitted
15N2O, which is far in excess of
SP-level fractionation expectations. This counter-intuitive enrichment
pattern raises the possibility of previously unrecognized
N-transformations in these soils.