Despite global warming, SSTs in the Southern Ocean (SO) have cooled in
recent decades largely as a result of internal variability. The global
impact of this cooling is assessed by nudging evolving SO SST anomalies
to observations in an ensemble of coupled climate model simulations
under historical radiative forcing, and comparing against a control
ensemble. The most significant remote response to observed SO cooling is
found in the tropical South Atlantic, where increased clouds and
strengthened trade winds cool the sea surface, partially offsetting the
radiatively-forced warming trend. The SO ensemble produces a more
realistic tropical South Atlantic SST trend, and exhibits a higher
pattern correlation with observed SST trends in the greater Atlantic
basin, compared to the control ensemble. SO cooling also produces a
significant increase in Antarctic sea ice, but not enough to offset
radiatively-induced ice loss; thus, the SO ensemble remains biased in
its sea ice trends.