3-D Synthetic Modeling of Anisotropy Effects on SS Precursors:
Implications for Mantle Flow in the Transition Zone
The Earth’s mantle transition zone (MTZ) plays a key role in the thermal
and compositional interactions between the upper and lower mantle.
Seismic anisotropy provides useful information about mantle deformation
and dynamics across the MTZ. However, seismic anisotropy in the MTZ is
difficult to obtain from surface wave or shear wave splitting
measurements. Here, we investigate the sensitivity to anisotropy of a
body wave method, SS precursors, through 3-D synthetic modeling. Our
study shows that the SS precursors can distinguish the anisotropy
originating from three depths: shallow upper mantle (80-220 km), deep
upper mantle above 410-km, and MTZ (410-660 km). Synthetic resolution
tests indicate that SS precursors can resolve 3% azimuthal anisotropy
where data have an average signal to noise ratio (SNR=7) when azimuthal
coverage is sufficient. To investigate regional sensitivity, we apply
the stacking and inversion methods to two densely sampled areas: Japan
subduction zone and a central Pacific region around the Hawaiian
hotspot. We find evidence for a trench-perpendicular fast direction
(Θ=87°) of MTZ anisotropy in Japan, but the strength of anisotropy is
poorly constrained due to limited azimuthal coverage. We attribute the
azimuthal anisotropy to lattice-preferred orientation of wadsleyite
induced by trench-parallel mantle flow near the stagnant slab. In the
central Pacific study region, there is a non-detection of MTZ
anisotropy, although modeling suggests the data coverage should allow us
to resolve up to 3% anisotropy. Therefore, the Hawaiian mantle plume
does not produce detectable azimuthal anisotropy in the MTZ.