Statistical Study of Chorus Modulations by Background Magnetic Field and
Plasma Density
In this study, we use observations of THEMIS and Van Allen Probes to
statistically study the modulations of chorus emissions by variations of
background magnetic field and plasma density in the ultra low frequency
range. The modulation events are identified automatically and divided
into three types according to whether the chorus intensity is correlated
to the variations of magnetic field only (Type B), plasma density only
(Type N) or both (Type NB). For THEMIS observations, the occurrences of
the types B and N are larger than type NB, while for Van Allen Probes
observations most events are Type N. The chorus intensity is mostly
correlated to the magnetic field strength negatively and plasma density
positively. Modulation event occurrences peak at the dawn sector. The
chorus intensity tends to increase when the magnitude of the magnetic
field perturbation increases, but little dependence on the amplitude of
plasma density perturbation is found.