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Constrained Invasion Percolation Model: Growth via Leath Bursts and the origin of Seismic b-Value
  • +1
  • john rundle,
  • Ronaldo Ortez,
  • Joachim Kønigslieb,
  • Donald Turcotte
john rundle
University of California, Davis

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Ronaldo Ortez
University of California, Davis
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Joachim Kønigslieb
University of California, Davis
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Donald Turcotte
University of California, Davis
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We analyze a new model for growing networks, the constrained Leath invasion percolation (CLIP) model. Cluster dynamics are characterized by bursts in space and time. The model quantitatively reproduces the observed frequency-magnitude scaling of earthquakes in the limit that the occupation probability approaches the critical bond percolation probability in d=2. The model may have application to other systems characterized by burst dynamics.
13 Feb 2020Published in Physical Review Letters volume 124 issue 6. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.068501