Several models relating remote sensing reflectance to water inherent
optical properties (IOPs) have been developed. In particular, the
reflectance is expressed as a function of a parameter u which is related
to the absorption and backscattering coefficients. We note that the
quadratic model reported by Gordon et al (1988) has been widely accepted
and validated. A more recent model by Lee et al (2004) separated the
contributions by water and particle scattering. Most models however,
only consider oceanic waters where scattering is low. This is not the
case in coastal or inland waters with high suspended sediment load.
Using HydroLight simulations in waters with high scattering coefficient
values, we found that the quadratic relation is not sufficient to
describe the corresponding remote sensing reflectance. A polynomial of
at least fourth degree is required to fit the simulation results at high
u. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to investigate the relation
between the remote sensing reflectance and the u parameter at similar
IOP values. Results of Monte Carlo simulations confirm the quartic
relation derived from HydroLight. Application of this derived
relationship in relating IOPs to remote sensing reflectance will avoid
significant errors in waters of high turbidity.