Sebastian Konietzny

and 4 more

Recent advances in sensing technologies, particularly Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), have significantly improved the collection and analysis of seismological data. DAS is a powerful method for detecting vibrations from various sources, including earthquakes. However, the vast amount of data produced by DAS requires sophisticated analytical methods to differentiate between signals of interest and noise, such as traffic signals. We introduce an innovative approach by extending the Noise2Self framework to effectively remove unwanted, structured coherent noise from DAS data. By creating masks based on the characteristics of traffic signals, we isolate and preserve earthquake signals while maintaining the denoising performance of the original Noise2Self approach, which reduces noise without requiring clean reference data. To evaluate our method, we used synthetic data generated from seismic recordings of closely spaced seismometers and then applied our approach to data from a DAS array crossing the Alpine Fault near Haast, New Zealand. Our results demonstrate that our model successfully removes traffic noise and other non-coherent noise while preserving seismic signals, leading to improvements in both Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and waveform coherence. Evaluations on real-world DAS data further confirm the robustness of our method, positioning it as a valuable tool for analyzing large-scale DAS datasets in various geoscientific contexts. This approach, which we refer to as “CoherentNoise2Self’ to emphasize the extension of Noise2Self to coherent noise, advances the capabilities for near real-time monitoring and analysis of seismic DAS data.
Slow-Slip Events (SSEs) haven been observed along the Hikurangi subduction zone of the North Island of New-Zealand. They occur both in the shallow plate interface (<15km depth) and at the deeper end of the seismogenic-zone (>30km depth). Some slow slip events in New-Zealand are also accompanied by tectonic tremors, although tremor is not as common at the Hikurangi subduction zone compared to other subduction zones. We present a systematically generated catalog of low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) for the central Hikurangi margin. To detect preliminary LFEs from the continuous seismic data we used a Matched-Filter technique with template waveforms from the tectonic tremor catalog of Romanet & Ide [2019]. The resulting detections were gathered as families and an innovative stacking technique was used to extract high-quality waveforms in order to build a set of LFE templates for a second Matched-Filter search. From these second generation detections, we developed a methodology to continuously scan the entire dataset for coherent impulsive waveforms similar to LFE that occuring on the subducting plate interface. The LFEs are organized into episodes of intense activity during deep M7 SSEs that occur absit every 5 years beneath the Manawatu region. One of our LFE bursts occurs during a small, deep SSE recognized at the central Hikurangi margin in 2008 (Wallace and Eberhart-Phillips, 2013). We expect that the other LFE episodes highlight small slow transients that have not yet been geodetically observed. In this presentation, we discuss the spatiotemporal evolution of LFEs in regard to potential aseismic transients that can be observed in the GPS data-set acquired by GeoNet.

Bryant Chow

and 6 more

We use adjoint tomography to invert for three-dimensional structure of the North Island, New Zealand and the adjacent Hikurangi subduction zone. Due to a shallow depth to the plate interface below the North Island, this study area offers a rare opportunity for imaging material properties at an active subduction zone using land-based measurements. Starting from a ray tomography initial model, we perform iterative model updates using spectral element and adjoint simulations to fit waveforms with periods ranging from 4–30s. In total we perform 28 L-BFGS updates, improving data fit and introducing Vp and Vs changes of up to ±30%. Resolution analysis using point spread functions show that our measurements are most sensitive to heterogeneities in the upper 30km. The most striking velocity changes coincide with areas related to the active Hikurangi subduction zone. Lateral velocity structures in the upper 5km correlate well with New Zealand geology. The inversion recovers increased along-strike heterogeneity on the Hikurangi subduction margin with respect to the initial model. In Cook Strait we observe a low-velocity zone interpreted as deep sedimentary basins. In the central North Island, low-velocity anomalies are linked to surface geology, and we relate velocity structures at depth to crustal magmatic activity below the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Our velocity model provides more accurate synthetic seismograms, constrains complex velocity structures, and has implications for seismic hazard, slow slip modeling, and understanding of volcanic and tectonic structures related to the active Hikurangi subduction zone.

Bryant Chow

and 2 more

Seamounts are found at many global subduction zones and act as seafloor heterogeneities that affect slip behavior on megathrusts. At the Hikurangi subduction zone offshore the North Island, New Zealand, seamounts have been identified on the incoming Pacific plate and below the accretionary prism, but there is little concrete evidence for seamounts subducted past the present day coastline. Using a high-resolution, adjoint tomography-derived velocity model of the North Islan, New Zealand we identify two high-velocity anomalies below the East Coast and an intraslab low-velocity zone up-dip of one of these anomalies. We interpret the high-velocity anomalies as two previously-unidentified, deeply-subducted seamounts, and the low-velocity zone as fluid in the subducting slab. The seamounts are inferred to be 10--30km wide and on the plate interface at 12--15km depth. Resolution analysis using point spread functions confirm that these are well-resolved features. The locations of the two seamounts correlate with bathymetric features whose geometries are consistent with those predicted from analog seamount subduction experiments. The spatial characteristics of seismicity and slow slip events near the inferred seamounts agree well with previous finite element modeling predictions on the effects of seamount subduction on megathrust stress and slip. Anomalous geophysical signatures, magnetic anomalies, and swarm seismicity have also been observed previously at one or both seamount locations. We propose that permanent fracturing of the northern Hikurangi upper plate by repeated seamount subduction may be responsible for the dichotomous geodetic behavior observed, and partly responsible for along-strike variations in plate coupling on the Hikurangi subduction interface.

Chamberlain Calum

and 2 more

Conventional earthquake detection methods suffer significant degradations in completeness during high-rate sequences such as aftershock sequences or volcanic swarms. Missed earthquakes during the early periods of aftershock sequences can affect aftershock forecasts and hazard estimates. Missed events during volcanic unrest sequences can impact rate estimations, leading to the sequence being mis-characterized. Much recent work has addressed how matched-filters can be used to overcome some aspects of catalog incompleteness during high-rate sequences, by detecting similar events using cross-correlation. Here we describe the application of open-source (GPL v3.0) software to the near-real-time implementation of matched-filter earthquake detection. Our software (RT-EQcorrscan) is written in Python, and leverages the extensive Obspy package, as well as EQcorrscan and Obsplus to provide matched-filter methods and database handling respectively. RT-EQcorrscan is designed to be modular, so that users can readily utilize only the components they require, or make use of pre-built command-line utilities controlled by simple that can handle thousands of templates over tens of channels of seismic data within the processing capacity (memory and CPU usage) of a standard desktop personal computer. Detections are made within a few seconds of data arriving, with latency due to data delivery and a requirement for full network move-out. At the same time, RT-EQcorrscan has an overarching “Reactor” module to listen to a web-service and respond to new events. If an event occurs that meets user-defined criteria, the Reactor will initiate a near-real-time matched-filter process encompassing the region surrounding the trigger event. Subsequent trigger events in different regions can also be handled with threaded operations. This system is backed-up by a constantly updating template database built on Obsplus, allowing groups of templates to be rapidly deployed. In this presentation we will discuss the key implementation details, as well as showcasing some examples of the system in operation.