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jabbrv-ltwa-all.ldf jabbrv-ltwa-en.ldf Reproducibility Practice in High Performance Computing: Community Survey Results
  • Beth Plale,
  • Tanu Malik,
  • Line Pouchard
Beth Plale
Indiana University

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Tanu Malik
DePaul University
Line Pouchard
Brookhaven National Laboratory


The integrity of science and engineering research is grounded in assumptions of rigor and transparency on the part of those engaging in such research. HPC community effort to strengthen rigor and transparency take the form of reproducibility efforts. In a recent survey of the SC conference community, we collected information about the SC Reproducibility Initiative activities. We present the survey results in this paper. Results show that the reproducibility initiative activities have contributed to higher levels of awareness on the part of SC conference technical program participants, and hint at contributing to greater scientific impact for the published papers of the SC conference series. Stringent point-of-manuscript-submission verification is problematic for reasons we point out, as are inherent difficulties of computational reproducibility in HPC. Future efforts should better decouple the community educational goals from goals that specifically strengthen a research work's potential for long-term impact through reuse 5-10 years down the road.
06 Jul 2021Submitted to Computing in Science and Engineering
06 Jul 2021Published in Computing in Science and Engineering
01 Sep 2021Published in Computing in Science & Engineering volume 23 issue 5 on pages 55-60. 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3096678