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Maximizing the detectability of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) while minimizing its exposure risks: Insights from a numerical study
  • +3
  • Bin Wang,
  • Arnaud Laurent,
  • Qiantong Pei,
  • Jinyu Sheng,
  • Dariia Atamanchuk,
  • Katja Fennel
Bin Wang
Dalhousie University

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Arnaud Laurent
Dalhousie University
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Qiantong Pei
Dalhousie University
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Jinyu Sheng
Dalhousie University
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Dariia Atamanchuk
Dalhousie University
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Katja Fennel
Dalhousie University
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Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) can potentially remove gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere for durable storage in the ocean. Before implementing OAE at climate-relevant scales, questions about its safety and verifiability must be addressed. Operational deployment poses a dilemma between pursuing large detectability, essential for effective monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV), and ensuring environmental safety and satisfying regulatory requirements. In this study, we present a computationally efficient approach, based on a high-resolution, coupled circulation-dissolution model of Halifax Harbour, to simulating the addition, transportation, dissolution, and sinking of various theoretical alkaline feedstocks for different dosages, seasons, and addition sites. Detectability and exposure risk of OAE are quantified and an approach for optimizing OAE deployment is demonstrated. Mean residence times (MRT) are calculated for different subregions and seasons. Results show that for a given amount of feedstock, summer is more favourable from the perspective of detectability but also creates higher exposure risks than other seasons because of a longer MRT. The exposure risk can be mitigated while maintaining large detectability by choosing optimal feedstocks with different characteristics for different seasons. The exposure risk can also be reduced by spreading alkalinity over multiple addition sites. The optimum allocation, where the largest detectability is sought without violating regulatory requirements, is specific to each season, dosage, and choice of feedstock. OAE deployments should be tailored taking into account local hydrography, season, dosage, and feedstock characteristics. Our approach provides a practical avenue for optimizing deployments.
28 Oct 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
28 Oct 2024Published in ESS Open Archive