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Highlighting the impact of anthropogenic OCS emissions on the stratospheric sulfur budget with in-situ observations
  • +9
  • Colin Gurganus,
  • Andrew W. Rollins,
  • Eleanor Waxman,
  • Laura L Pan,
  • Warren P Smith,
  • Rei Ueyama,
  • Wuhu Feng,
  • Martyn P. Chipperfield,
  • Elliot L. Atlas,
  • Joshua Peter Schwarz,
  • Samantha Lee,
  • Troy Dean Thornberry
Colin Gurganus
NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory 325 Broadway R/CSL
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Andrew W. Rollins
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
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Eleanor Waxman
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Laura L Pan
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
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Warren P Smith
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Rei Ueyama
NASA Ames Research Center
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Wuhu Feng
National Centre for Atmospheric Science
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Martyn P. Chipperfield
University of Leeds
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Elliot L. Atlas
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Joshua Peter Schwarz
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
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Samantha Lee
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Troy Dean Thornberry

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Carbonyl sulfide (OCS) is an important atmospheric sulfur species that plays a dominant role in the formation of (non-volcanic) stratospheric sulfate aerosol in the middle stratosphere. Major uncertainties in surface sources and sinks and inconsistent model representation of vertical transport limit understanding of OCS distribution, particularly in the sparsely sampled upper atmosphere. During the 2022 Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical & CLimate Impact Project (ACCLIP) campaign in-situ measurements of OCS in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) at the eastern edge of the Asian Summer Monsoon anticyclone (ASM), showed significant OCS enhancements (>750 ppt) near the tropopause from convectively influenced air parcels. Here we compare these novel Asian UTLS measurements with long term satellite observations and regional measurements to broaden understanding of OCS trends and its transport by the ASM. Trajectory analysis identifies the main source regions for deep convective lofting and demonstrates ASM entrainment of OCS enriched parcels in the UTLS, allowing evaluation of global model predictions for OCS’s stratospheric influence. The ACCLIP dataset provides vital in-situ validation of limited vertically resolved OCS data in a region of significant anthropogenic emissions, which serves to enhance our understanding of the global sulfur budget.
02 Oct 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
04 Oct 2024Published in ESS Open Archive