Simran Kriplani

and 3 more

INTRODUCTIONThe concept of ”tissue engineering” was first used to describe the process of creating in a lab a device that could be implanted into a patient to promote the regeneration of specific tissues. This device would contain living cells and biologic mediators (such as growth factors and adhesins) in a synthetic or biologic matrix. Three essential components are often included in tissue engineering: cells (fibroblasts, osteoblasts), signaling molecules (growth factors), and scaffolds (collagen, bone minerals).The dental pulp, a sensitive connective tissue enclosed by the hard walls of the dentin, is crucial to the tooth’s fate yet is frequently disregarded. When the pulp is exposed for any of the following reasons—caries, fractures, cracks, or an exposed restoration margin—it frequently becomes inflamed. If this inflammation is not addressed right once, it may eventually result in pulpal death [1]. Essential pulp treatments such as direct and indirect pulp capping, pulpotomy in the early stages, or pulpectomy, if the lesion shows up in its later stages, are among the therapies for dental pulp illnesses. Maintaining pulpal vitality is critical because the healthy pulp may start several critical processes, including dentin production, provides the tooth with nutrition, allow for defense, and has a special ability for restoration [2]. Therefore, it is preferable to maintain the pulp’s vitality rather than replacing it with an inert root substitute. A crucial pulp treatment called a pulpotomy preserves the remaining radicular pulp while physically removing the coronal component of the pulp. An appropriate substance is positioned over the remaining radicular pulp tissue, which can both stimulate healing and repair and shield the pulp from additional injury [3]. The capacity of the remaining radicular pulp to recover after the infected coronal pulp tissue is removed and appropriate medication is placed is the basis for the logic for pulpotomy operations [4]. Many materials have been recommended for use in pulpotomy operations due to their significant qualities, which include biocompatibility, a good seal, and the ability to effectively combat microbes when in contact with inflamed pulp. One of the most often used and studied materials for these objectives, with good clinical results, is MTA( Mineral trioxide aggregate). PRF preparation: The patients were notified that coronal pulpotomy, an alternative to root canal therapy, was the method of treatment. PRF was created by taking the necessary volume of blood into a 10-mL test tube without the use of an anticoagulant and centrifuging it right away using a portable centrifuge for 10 minutes at 2500 rpm after getting the patient’s written consent. The final product was composed of three layers: a fibrin clot (PRF) in the middle, red blood corpuscles at the bottom, and acellular platelet-poor plasma at the top of the device.Due to the lack of an anticoagulant, blood coagulates as soon as it touches the glass surface. Thus, quick blood collection and centrifugation—before the clotting cascade has started—are crucial for the proper synthesis of PRF. The fibrin clot’s fluids were squeezed out to produce PRF in the shape of a membrane.The care of a carious adult permanent human molar with developed acute irreversible pulpitis is shown and discussed in this case report. Second-generation platelet concentrates (PRF) and a material based on calcium silicate (MTA) for coronal pulpotomy techniques are used in the treatment to evaluate the prognosis of the patient. The clinical and radiological outcomes of the treated case are cross-correlated over systematic follow-up evaluations of the case.