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Xanthogranulomatous Epithelial Tumor: A Case Report with One-Year Follow-Up
  • +2
  • Muna Abuhejleh,
  • Ahmed ElSayed,
  • Renan Adam ,
  • Asmaa Mohamed,
  • Adham Ammar
Muna Abuhejleh
Hamad Medical Corporation

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
Ahmed ElSayed
Hamad Medical Corporation
Author Profile
Renan Adam
Hamad Medical Corporation
Author Profile
Asmaa Mohamed
Hamad Medical Corporation
Author Profile
Adham Ammar
Hamad Medical Corporation
Author Profile
12 Aug 2024Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
24 Aug 2024Submission Checks Completed
24 Aug 2024Assigned to Editor
04 Sep 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
11 Oct 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
13 Oct 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor