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Obesity and insulin resistance moderate the associations between brain potentials, negative affect regulation, and reflexive speed of visual attention to pleasant stimuli in young adults
  • +7
  • Brittany A. Larsen,
  • Brandon Klinedinst,
  • Tovah Wolf,
  • Kelsey E. McLimans,
  • Qian Wang,
  • Amy Pollpeter,
  • Tianqi Li,
  • Parvin Mohammadiarvejeh,
  • Mohammad Fili,
  • Auriel A. Willette
Brittany A. Larsen
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Brandon Klinedinst
University of Washington
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Tovah Wolf
LifeCare Alliance
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Kelsey E. McLimans
Viterbo University
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Qian Wang
Iowa State University College of Human Sciences
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Amy Pollpeter
Iowa State University College of Human Sciences
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Tianqi Li
Iowa State University College of Human Sciences
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Parvin Mohammadiarvejeh
Iowa State University College of Engineering
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Mohammad Fili
Iowa State University of Science and Technology College of Engineering
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Auriel A. Willette
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
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