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Compound Extreme Precipitation and Temperature Trend Analyses from Local to Continental Scale across Europe
  • Gholamreza Nikravesh,
  • Alfonso Senatore,
Gholamreza Nikravesh
Universita della Calabria
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Alfonso Senatore
University of Calabria

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University of Calabria
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Evaluating the combined effect of different climatic variables supports the understanding of the increasing multifaceted risk of climate-related disasters. This contribution proposes a combined trend analysis of precipitation-related (precipitation total, PRCPTOT; maximum one-day precipitation, RX1day) and temperature-related (minimum of daily minimum temperature, TNn; mean of daily mean temperature, Tmean; maximum of daily maximum temperature, TXx) indices at the annual scale from 1955 to 2023, both at local (Southern Italy, using ground-based observations) and continental (pan-European EURO-Cordex domain, using ERA5-Land data) scales. While showing substantial consistency between the different datasets, the results imply that at the continental scale, three main regions along a latitudinal gradient can be considered regarding increasing/decreasing trends towards both PRCPTOT and RX1day. At the same time, much more homogeneous increasing trends of temperature indices are observed in Europe. Nevertheless, the detailed scale analysis highlights the need for higher resolutions to capture significantly impacting local counter-trends.
06 Aug 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
07 Aug 2024Published in ESS Open Archive