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A Model Intercomparison Study of Aerosol-cloud-turbulence Interactions in A Cloud Chamber. Part 1: Model Results
  • +9
  • Sisi Chen,
  • Steven Krueger,
  • Piotr Dziekan,
  • Theodore MacMillan,
  • David H. Richter,
  • Shin-ichiro Shima,
  • Fan Yang,
  • Jesse Charles Anderson,
  • Will Cantrell,
  • Dennis Niedermeier,
  • Raymond A. Shaw,
  • Frank Stratmann
Sisi Chen
National Center for Atmospheric Research

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
Steven Krueger
University of Utah
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Piotr Dziekan
University of Warsaw
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Theodore MacMillan
University of Notre Dame
Author Profile
David H. Richter
University of Notre Dame
Author Profile
Shin-ichiro Shima
University of Hyogo
Author Profile
Fan Yang
Brookhaven National Laboratory (DOE)
Author Profile
Jesse Charles Anderson
Michigan Technological University
Author Profile
Will Cantrell
Michigan Technological University
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Dennis Niedermeier
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research
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Raymond A. Shaw
Michigan Technology University
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Frank Stratmann
Institute for Tropospheric Research
Author Profile
19 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
22 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive