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Estimate of water and hydroxyl abundance on asteroid (16) Psyche from JWST data
  • +10
  • Stephanie Jarmak,
  • Tracy M. Becker,
  • Charles E. Woodward,
  • Casey I. Honniball,
  • Andrew S. Rivkin,
  • Saverio Cambioni,
  • Driss Takir,
  • Anicia Arredondo,
  • Linda T. Elkins-Tanton,
  • Margaret M. McAdam,
  • Zoe A. Landsman,
  • Thomas G. Müller,
  • Kurt D. Retherford
Stephanie Jarmak

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Author Profile
Tracy M. Becker
Charles E. Woodward
Casey I. Honniball
Andrew S. Rivkin
Saverio Cambioni
Author Profile
Driss Takir
Author Profile
Anicia Arredondo
Author Profile
Linda T. Elkins-Tanton
Author Profile
Margaret M. McAdam
Zoe A. Landsman
Thomas G. Müller
Kurt D. Retherford


Our understanding of Solar System evolution is closely tied to interpretations of asteroid composition, particularly the M-class asteroids. These asteroids were initially thought to be the exposed cores of differentiated planetesimals, a hypothesis based on their spectral similarity to iron meteorites. However, recent astronomical observations have revealed hydration on their surface through the detection of 3-µm absorption features associated with OH and potentially H2O. We present evidence of hydration due mainly to OH on asteroid (16) Psyche, the largest M-class asteroid, using data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) spanning 1.1-6.63 µm. Our observations include two detections of the full 3-µm feature associated with OH and H2O resembling those found in CY-, CH-, and CB-type carbonaceous chondrites, and no 6-µm feature uniquely associated with H2O across two observations. We observe 3-µm depths of between 4.3 and 6% across two observations, values consistent with hydrogen abundance estimates on other airless bodies of 250 - 400 ppm. We place an upper limit of 39 ppm on the water abundance from the standard deviation around the 6-μm feature region. The presence of hydrated minerals suggests a complex history for Psyche. Exogenous sources of OH-bearing minerals could come from hydrated impactors. Endogenous OH-bearing minerals would indicate a composition more similar to E-or P-class asteroids. If the hydration is endogenous, it supports the theory that Psyche originated beyond the snow line and later migrated to the outer main belt.
17 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
19 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive