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Mallick Zohaibuddin

and 9 more

1 INTRODUCTIONPancreatitis is associated with a range of local and systemic complications (1,2). However, fistula formation is noted in only a very small proportion of patients with acute pancreatitis (3). These fistulas are generally a result of disruption of the pancreatic duct, which may be due to several etiologies such as trauma, surgical trauma, pancreatic resection, or those causing pancreatitis (4). Pancreatic duct disruption results in fluid leakage, which causes erosion and formation of pathways, the locations of which depend on the anatomic location of the duct disruption (4). Management of pancreatic fistulas includes medical and nutritional optimization, surgical interventions, endoscopic treatments, and catheter drainage (3, 5-7).Pseudocysts associated with acute pancreatitis are loculated fluid collections that are rich in amylase and usually develop within 2 weeks of onset of pancreatitis (8). They may be intra- or extra-pancreatic, are inflammatory, and lack a true epithelial lining. Just like pancreatic fistulae, pancreatic pseudocysts generally develop secondary to disruption of the pancreatic duct, and resolve spontaneously unless they develop complications (8). The management of pancreatic pseudocysts includes but is not limited to, percutaneous, endoscopic, and surgical drainage among others (9-11).Among these complications, pancreatic pseudocyst stands as a rare but significant entity. A pancreatic pseudocyst represents an abnormal fluid collection originating from the pancreas and can arise as a consequence of acute or chronic pancreatitis and remains relatively uncommon in clinical practice.The clinical presentation of pancreatic pseudocyst may include abdominal pain, fever, and biochemical abnormalities indicative of pancreatic injury.In this report, we present a case of pancreatic pseudocyst formation secondary to pancreatitis in a 42-year-old male, highlighting the clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic interventions, and outcomes. Through this case, we aim to underscore the importance of early recognition and appropriate management of pancreatic pseudocysts to prevent complications and optimize patient outcomes.