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Inferring parameters in a complex land surface model by combining data assimilation and machine learning
  • +5
  • Lasse Torben Keetz,
  • Kristoffer Aalstad,
  • Rosie A. Fisher,
  • Christian Poppe Teran,
  • Bibi S. Naz,
  • Norbert Pirk,
  • Yeliz Yilmaz,
  • Olav Skarpaas
Lasse Torben Keetz
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo

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Kristoffer Aalstad
University of Oslo
Author Profile
Rosie A. Fisher
CICERO Center for International Climate Research
Author Profile
Christian Poppe Teran
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Author Profile
Bibi S. Naz
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
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Norbert Pirk
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
Author Profile
Yeliz Yilmaz
Author Profile
Olav Skarpaas
Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
Author Profile


Complex Land Surface Models (LSMs) rely on a plethora of parameters. These parameters and the associated process formulations are often poorly constrained, which hampers reliable predictions of ecosystem dynamics and climate feedbacks. Robust and uncertainty-aware parameter estimation with observations is complicated by, for example, the high dimensionality of the model parameter space and the computational cost of LSM simulations. Herein, we adapt a novel Bayesian data assimilation and machine learning framework termed ‘calibrate, emulate, sample‘ (CES) to infer parameters in a widely-used LSM coupled with a demographic vegetation model (CLM-FATES). First, an iterative ensemble Kalman smoother provides an initial estimate of the posterior distribution (‘calibrate‘). Subsequently, a machine-learning-based emulator is trained on the resulting model-observation mismatches to predict outcomes for unseen parameter combinations (‘emulate‘). Finally, this emulator replaces CLM-FATES simulations in an adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach enabling computationally feasible posterior sampling with enhanced uncertainty quantification (‘sample‘). We test our implementation with synthetic and real observations representing a boreal forest site in southern Finland. We estimate a total of six plant-functional-type-specific photosynthetic parameters by assimilating evapotranspiration (ET) and gross primary production (GPP) flux data. CES provided the best estimates of the synthetic truth parameters when compared to data-blind emulator sampling designs while all approaches reduced model-observation errors compared to a default parameter simulation (GPP: -10% to -30%, ET: -4% to -6%). Although errors were also consistently reduced with real data, comparing the emulator designs was less conclusive, which we mainly attribute to equifinality and insufficient experiment complexity.
09 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
11 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive