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WUS324: Multiscale Full Waveform Inversion Approaching Convergence Improves Waveform Fits While Imaging Seismic Structure of the Western United States
  • Arthur J Rodgers,
  • Claire Doody,
  • Andreas Fichtner
Arthur J Rodgers
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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Claire Doody
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Andreas Fichtner
ETH Zurich
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We report a new model of radially anisotropic crustal and upper mantle structure of the western United States (WUS324) obtained from full waveform inversion of earthquake data. We ran three multiscale inversion stages beyond model WUS256 (Rodgers et al., 2022) allowing them to approach convergence to fit a larger data set to a shorter minimum period of 16 s. WUS324 is based on 324 total iterations from its starting model, significantly more (16 times) than previous studies. Waveform misfit reductions are 66-70% for both the inversion data and an independent validation data set providing confidence in the predictive power of the model. WUS324 provides much better fits and reveals shear wavespeed, vS, structure of this large region with more detail than previous waveform tomography models. We show representative images demonstrating the resolution of diverse seismic structure across this highly heterogeneous region including oceanic lithosphere, subducting slabs and continental magmatism.
10 Oct 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
15 Oct 2024Published in ESS Open Archive