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Synthetic Consciousness Architecture   
  • Konstantyn Spasokukotskiy
Konstantyn Spasokukotskiy

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This paper presents a theoretical inquiry into the domain of secure artificial superintelligence (ASI). The paper introduces an architectural pattern tailored to fulfill friendly alignment criteria. Friendly alignment refers to a failsafe artificial intelligence alignment that lacks supervision, while still having a benign effect on humans.  The proposed solution is based on a biomimetic approach to emulate functional aspects of biological consciousness. This approach is aiming to achieve Synthetic Sentiency. It establishes "morality" that secures alignment  in systems of any proportion. This functional feature set is drawn from a cross-section of evolutionary and psychiatric frameworks.  Furthermore, the paper assesses the architectural potential, practical utility, and limitations of this approach. Notably, the architectural pattern supports straightforward implementation by allowing application of simple algorithms, which despite the simplicity can effectively produce an infinite derivative order, directly influencing alignment strength. The alignment strength can be adjusted by manipulating this order, enhancing adaptability and usability of the solution under constraints in practical applications.