Inferring Near-Surface Ozone Production Regimes: Challenges with using
Satellite Retrievals over the Contiguous US
Surface ozone regulation policies rely heavily on air quality models,
such as CAMx, as important guiding tools. Comparison with observations
is crucial to validating a model’s ability to represent ozone production
chemistry. Identifying factors influencing surface ozone formation is
complicated because ozone photochemical production rates are
non-linearly dependent on concentrations of precursors such as nitrogen
oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). We compare ozone
production regimes (OPRs) identified from satellite observations and
model simulations, as defined by the ratio of column formaldehyde to
nitrogen dioxide (FNR, HCHO/NO2). We perform CAMx simulations for
June-July-August 2016 over the Contiguous United States (CONUS) and
compared these outputs against two OMI NO2and HCHO retrievals. Our
analysis spans diurnal and altitudinal variations of OPRs, offering
important insights for effective policy formulation. At the time of the
OMI overpass (~1:30 PM LT), OPR is NOx-limited over most
of the CONUS, as determined from OMI column ratios. Analysis of CAMx
column ratios shows similar results. In contrast, more regions are
VOC-limited when we constrain our ratio to within the Planetary Boundary
Layer (PBL). In the morning (~9 AM LT), the CAMx PBL
column ratios shift towards VOC-limited regime. We highlight areas of
the CONUS for which satellite measurements of FNR may not be an accurate
indicator of near-surface OPRs. Air quality regulations based on
satellite observations should consider the diurnal variations of surface
OPRs and assess how well their ratios represent near-surface OPR. Our
results have implications for interpretation of TEMPO data for policy
relevant applications.