Turbulence characteristics of the Martian atmosphere surface layer based
on Zhurong observations
Studying the Martian atmosphere is important in planetary science. The
boundary layer turbulence is characterized at the Zhurong location using
spectrum analysis, two-dimensional spectrum, and similarity theory. The
results reveal that the atmospheric temperature and wind at the Zhurong
location are consistent with Kolmogorov’s “-5/3” turbulence laws. The
atmospheric movement at the Zhurong location has four usual weather
scales: 50 m, 100 m, 150 m, and 200 m. The atmospheric refractive index
structure parameters, and thus the effect of turbulence on the light
propagation, at the Zhuong and Insight locations are 3 or 4 orders less
than at the Perseverance location. The sensible heat flux values in the
Zhurong location is mainly in the range of 0-10 W/m²and increases during
measurement. The clear seasonal variability in heat flux flow with
greater value in spring and summer than in autumn and winter is revealed
at both the Zhuong and Insight locations.