Longitude Structure of Wavenumber 4 of the Ionosphere after Midnight
Based on the OI135.6 nm Night Airglow Using FY-3D Ionospheric Photometer
In this study, based on the OI135.6 nm night airglow data of the FY-3D
Ionospheric Photometer (IPM) during the 2018-2021 geomagnetically quiet
period, the global wavenumber 4 longitudinal structure of the equatorial
ionization anomaly (EIA) at 2:00 local time was discovered, and the
component of the wavenumber 4 was extracted from these structures.
Compared with the OI135.6 nm night airglow data of the Special Sensor
Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI) F18 during 2011-2014, there
were significant differences in the variation pattern of the relative
amplitude of the two versus solar activity and the seasonal variation in
the proportion of the component of the wavenumber 4. Based on the
neutral wind speed observation results of Global High-Resolution
Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) on board the Ionospheric Connection
Explorer (ICON) from 2020-2021, the longitudinal structures of the 4
ionospheric waves after midnight are related to the cross-equatorial
meridional wind. We believe that the wavenumber 4 longitudinal
structures after midnight originate from the eastward nonmigrating tidal
semidiurnal wave (SE2) with a wavenumber of 2 in the cross-equatorial
neutral wind rather than the eastward nonmigrating tidal semidiurnal
wave (DE3) with a wavenumber of 3 in from the zonal wind, which
modulates the daytime wavenumber 4 longitudinal structures.