Experimental Investigation of CO2 Buoyant Flow Saturation: The Impact of
Realistic Bedforms and Heterogeneous Wettability.
We produce realistic sedimentary formations consisting of ripple
deposits with varying grain size contrast and wettability in a
meter-scale slab chamber. Then, we conduct multiphase flow experiments
through these structures and measure the infiltration patterns,
capillary heterogeneity trapping, and overall trapping performance. When
we alter the ripple bedform architecture, variations in trapped
saturation and capillary heterogeneity trapping (10% to 20% increment)
are exhibited. Similar growth in trapping performance is also observed
when grain size contrast increases. Finally, wettability changes (water-
to oil-wet) can increase nonwetting saturation and capillary
heterogeneity trapping up to 5% and 10-20%, respectively. These
results emphasize the importance of correctly characterizing the impact
of small-scale heterogeneities and wettability changes.