Ecological-niche modelling of genetically distinct populations revealed
Kersting’s groundnut [Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal et
Baudet] as a resilient orphan crop to present and future climates
Orphan legume crops play an important role in smallholder farmers’ food
systems. Though less documented, they have the potential to contribute
to adequate nutrition in vulnerable communities. Unfortunately, data are
scarce about the potential of those crops to withstand current and
future climate variations. Using Macrotyloma geocarpum as an example, we
used genetically informed ecological niche models to explore the role of
ecology on the current and future distributions of genetic populations
of Kersting’s groundnut. Three main conclusions emerged: i) the models
had good predictive power, indicating that M. geocarpum’s distribution
was correlated with both climatic and soil layers; ii) identity and
similarity tests revealed that the two genetic groups while overlapping,
are each, locally adapted and display differences in climate
suitability; iii) by integrating the genetic information in niche
modeling, niches projections show divergence in the response of the
species and genetic populations to ongoing climate change. This study
highlights the importance of integrating genetic data into ecological
niche modelling approaches to obtain finer scale information of species’
distribution, and explores the implications for agricultural adaptation,
with a particular focus on identifying priority actions in orphan crops
conservation and breeding.