The marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium has a remarkable ability to
interact with and utilize air-borne dust as a nutrient source. However,
dust may adversely affect Trichodesmium through buoyancy loss and
exposure to toxic metals. Our study explored the effect of desert dust
on buoyancy and mortality of natural Red Sea puff-shaped Trichodesmium
thiebautii. Sinking velocities and ability of individual colonies to
stay afloat with increasing dust loads were studied in sedimentation
chambers. Low dust loads of up to ~400 ng per colony did
not impact initial sinking velocity and colonies remained afloat in the
chamber. Above this threshold, sinking velocity increased linearly with
the colony dust load at a slope matching prediction based on Stoke’s
law. The potential toxicity of dust was assessed with regards to metal
dissolution kinetics, differentiating between rapidly released metals
that may impact surface blooms and gradually released metals that may
impact dust-centering colonies. Incubations with increasing dust
concentrations revealed colony demise, but the observed lethal dose far
exceeded dust concentrations measured in coastal and open ocean systems.
Removal of toxic particles as a mechanism to reduce toxicity was
explored using SEM-EDX imaging of colonies incubated with Cu-minerals,
yet observations did not support this pathway. Combining our current and
former experiments, we suggest that in natural settings the nutritional
benefits gained by Trichodesmium via dust collection outweigh the risks
of buoyancy loss and toxicity. Our data and concepts feed into the
growing recognition of the significance of dust for Trichodesmium’s
ecology and subsequently to ocean productivity.