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Importance of considering memory effect and soil organic carbon for terrestrial carbon budget estimation over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
  • +7
  • Mengyao Zhao,
  • Wei He,
  • Peipei Xu,
  • Chengcheng Huang,
  • Ngoc Tu Nguyen,
  • Fei Jiang,
  • Songhan Wang,
  • Hua Yang,
  • Shuai Liu,
  • Weimin Ju
Mengyao Zhao
School of Geography and Tourism, Anhui Normal University
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Wei He
Zhejiang Carbon Neutral Innovation Institute, Zhejiang University of Technology

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Peipei Xu
Anhui Normal University
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Chengcheng Huang
School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences
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Ngoc Tu Nguyen
Hohai University
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Fei Jiang
Nanjing University
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Songhan Wang
College of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University
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Hua Yang
Beijing Normal University
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Shuai Liu
Anhui Normal University
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Weimin Ju
Internation Institute of Earth Sysmte Science
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The terrestrial ecosystems of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) are highly sensitive to climate change, yet the magnitude and distribution of the carbon budget for QTP remain quite uncertain. Here, utilizing long short-term memory networks (LSTM), in conjunction with available eddy covariance flux data from recent extensive observation campaigns, multiple satellite land surface data, and observation-based environmental data (e.g., soil organic carbon, SOC), we revisit the regional carbon budget estimation over the QTP with a special focus on investigating the impacts of considering memory effect and incorporating SOC. Our estimate points the QTP region to a mean carbon sink of 20.89 Tg C yr-1 during 2003–2018. Spatially, the major sinks distribute in the western and northern QTP dominated by alpine steppes, while major sources in the eastern QTP dominated by alpine meadows. During the study period, the regional sink declines at the rate of 0.0003 Tg C yr-2, which is primarily contributed by the reduced carbon sink of alpine steppes and the increased carbon source of alpine meadows. We found that considering memory effect and incorporating SOC are critical for estimating the regional carbon budget for QTP. Without considering memory effect leads to a huge carbon source of 161.10 Tg C yr-1, with unreasonable seasonal and interannual variation of carbon budgets. Without incorporating SOC leads to a larger estimated carbon sink (61.94 Tg C yr-1), with clearly overestimated sink in steppes ecosystems and underestimated source in meadows ecosystems. Our study provides new insights into the carbon budget estimation for the QTP region.
10 Oct 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
10 Oct 2024Published in ESS Open Archive