An Empirical Analysis of ELM based CNN Models for Automatic Modulation
Classification in Wireless Communication.
This paper presents an empirical analysis of using deep learning
features with an Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) for automatic modulation
classification in wireless communication. The study utilizes advanced
pre-deep learning models like VGG 16, Resnet 50, and Inception V3 to
extract features, which are then fed to an ELM for classification. The
ELM’s performance is enhanced by the moth flame optimization method
(MFOP-ELM). To measure the efficacy of the proposed model, it is tested
on two standard datasets - RADIOML2016.10A and RADIOML 2018.01A. The
paper also compares the proposed model with other classifiers such as
SVM, K-NN, and BPNN. Results show that the proposed model using
Inception V3 features with the MFOP-ELM classifier outperforms other
state-of-the-art models.