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A NASA GISTEMPv4 Observational Uncertainty Ensemble
  • +3
  • Nathan Lenssen,
  • Gavin A Schmidt,
  • Michael Hendrickson,
  • Peter Jacobs,
  • Matthew J Menne,
  • Reto Ruedy
Nathan Lenssen
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Colorado School of Mines

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
Gavin A Schmidt
Michael Hendrickson
Peter Jacobs
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Autonomic Integra LLC
Matthew J Menne
Reto Ruedy
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Autonomic Integra LLC
30 Oct 2023Submitted to ESS Open Archive
31 Oct 2023Published in ESS Open Archive