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CH4 Inclusions in High-pressure Metapelite: Revealing the Link Between Fluid Behavior and Redox Mechanisms for Subducting Sedimentary Carbon
  • +6
  • Zeng-Li Guo,
  • Jinxue Du,
  • Lifei Zhang,
  • Junqi Liang,
  • Zeming Zhang,
  • Renbiao Tao,
  • Yi Cao,
  • Kurt Bucher,
  • Ting-Nan Gong
Zeng-Li Guo
Peking University
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Jinxue Du
China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Lifei Zhang
School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University
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Junqi Liang
China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
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Zeming Zhang
Institute of Geology, CAGS
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Renbiao Tao
Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research
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Yi Cao
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
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Kurt Bucher
Univ. OF Freiburg, IMPG
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Ting-Nan Gong
Peking University
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(Ultra)high-pressure metamorphic rocks provide valuable insights into properties of slab-derived fluids. Here, we report CH4-rich fluid inclusions in garnet of a metapelite from the Zermatt-Saas ophiolite, western Alps. Two types of metapelite, a CH4-bearing pelitic schist and a calcareous pelitic schist, were investigated to unravel favorable P-T-fO2 conditions for preservation of CH4 in high-pressure metapelite. In the CH4-bearing pelitic schist, CH4-rich fluid inclusions exclusively occur in the core of garnet (GrtI) rather than the rim (GrtⅡ). GrtI records P-T conditions of ~2.85 GPa and ~555 °C, whereas GrtⅡ records a prograde P-T path from ~1.75 GPa at 510 °C to ~2.0 GPa at 530 °C. Compositional profile of garnet in the calcareous pelitic schist reflects a prograde metamorphic path from ~1.9 GPa at 510 °C to ~2.12 GPa at 545 °C. CH4-rich fluid formation may primarily rise from graphite reduction at high-pressure reduced conditions (ΔFMQ -3.5 to -4, 2.85 GPa, ~550 °C), while graphite and carbonates stabilize in a relatively oxidized environment (ΔFMQ ~ 0, 2.12 GPa, 545 °C). The initial redox budget of subducted sediments is primarily controlled by the amount of sedimentary carbonate and organic carbon, which plays the most important role in deciding the carbon speciation at different subduction depth. CH4 formation in COH fluids could primarily be attributed to the reduction of graphite. Subducted metasediments act as conduits for transporting non-oxidized fluids to arc magmas, which provides crucial evidence to support the heterogeneity for slab-derived COH fluids and offers new insights into the deep carbon cycle.
23 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
24 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive