Young People's Pathways to a Specialist Suicide Prevention Service and
the Influence of Caregiver prior Suicidality and Mental Health Treatment
Aim. Timely help-seeking and pathways to care (PtC) have been
linked to positive outcomes in suicidal adolescents. While the
importance of formal contacts is recognised, caregivers also play a
significant role in these pathways. Caregiver’s familiarity with mental
health issues may influence an adolescent’s PtC. This study explores the
relationship between a caregiver’s prior suicidality and mental health
treatment on their children’s pathways to entering a specialist suicide
prevention treatment program. Method. Caregivers ( n =
118, 35 males and 83 females) of young individuals (12-25 years) who
were admitted into an outpatient suicide prevention service, completed a
self-report questionnaire describing their child’s onset of symptoms,
help-seeking, PtC and the caregiver’s prior suicidality and mental
health treatment. Results. Parents were the source most likely
to recognise the onset of suicidality, with general practitioners and
psychologists the most common first contacts. Significant delays were
identified for onset duration averaging 48.0 weeks, and it was observed
that shorter delays in treatment were related to fewer number of
contacts. Caregiver prior suicidality was associated with longer delays
in treatment but had no relationship with onset duration.
Conclusion. Caregivers and professional contacts are vital
agents in improving the PtC of suicidal adolescents. Results highlight
the significant delays in treatment and the added complexity of a
caregiver’s prior experience of suicidality to these pathways. These
complexities warrant further exploration to minimise obstacles that
hinder help-seeking and lengthen PtC, as this may improve interventions
and outcomes for suicidal adolescents and their caregivers.
Keywords. Pathways to care; delay in treatment; caregiver
familiarity; suicide; adolescent.