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PyIRTAM: A New Module of PyIRI for IRTAM Coefficients
  • +5
  • Victoriya Forsythe,
  • Ivan A Galkin,
  • Sarah E McDonald,
  • Kenneth F. Dymond,
  • Bruce Aaron Fritz,
  • Angeline Gail Burrell,
  • Katherine Anne Zawdie,
  • Douglas Drob
Victoriya Forsythe
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

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Ivan A Galkin
University of Massachusetts Lowell
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Sarah E McDonald
Naval Research Laboratory
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Kenneth F. Dymond
Naval Research Laboratory
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Bruce Aaron Fritz
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
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Angeline Gail Burrell
US Naval Research Laboratory
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Katherine Anne Zawdie
Naval Research Laboratory
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Douglas Drob
Naval Research Lab
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A novel Python module called PyIRTAM was developed in addition to the previously released PyIRI model. The PyIRI computational approach was extended to work with Real-Time Assimilative Model (IRTAM) coefficients. This enables global approach to the density specification, utilizing computation of the global and diurnal functions and their multiplication with coefficients in the matrix form. PyIRTAM tool is made publicly available through PyPI and GitHub.
13 Jun 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
14 Jun 2024Published in ESS Open Archive