Antarctica’s geothermal heat flow and its glacial isostatic adjustment
response are critical to understand ice sheet stability. These demand a
knowledge of the temperature of the Antarctic lithosphere, but
challenges remain in resolving mantle thermomechanical properties. Here
we use a two-stage process to resolve mantle temperature and
composition. First, we derive an optimized relationship between
shear-wave velocity and temperature, density, and composition,
constrained by temperature, attenuation, and the average viscosity of
the oceanic upper mantle. Applying this conversion relationship to a
seismic shear-wave velocity model from adjoint tomography (ANT-20)
yields an estimate of mantle density and temperature. In the second
stage we apply a 3D finite-element-method gravity inversion to correct
density distribution for the Antarctic lithosphere. The updated density
structure further constrains the composition and so the temperature of
the lithospheric mantle. Factoring in changes in mantle composition,
areas with depleted mantle require a higher temperature than the initial
estimate to fit the seismic velocity and density structure. Compared
with a primitive mantle, the temperature in the depleted mantle is
increased by up to 200 °C. From the updated temperature field, changes
to the lithosphere thickness, mantle viscosity, and geothermal heat flow
are defined: in East Antarctica, low viscosity area is largely unchanged
(<1023 Pa s), while the estimated lithosphere thickness must
decrease by up to 150 km, and heat flow must increase by 3–10 mW/m2.
Collectively, the effects of an increased mantle temperature estimate
suggest that a more dynamic and climate-responsive East Antarctic Ice
Sheet is possible.