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The Interconnected Relationship Between Hydrogen and Protons During Martian Proton Aurora Activity: A Combined MAVEN Remote Sensing and In Situ Analysis
  • +12
  • Andrea C. G. Hughes,
  • Michael Scott Chaffin,
  • Edwin J. Mierkiewicz,
  • Gina A. DiBraccio,
  • Jasper S. Halekas,
  • Sarah A Henderson,
  • Nicholas M. Schneider,
  • Justin Deighan,
  • Sonal Jain,
  • Norberto Romanelli,
  • Christina O. Lee,
  • Majd Mayyasi,
  • Ali Rahmati,
  • Davin E. Larson,
  • Shannon M. Curry
Andrea C. G. Hughes
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Howard University

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
Michael Scott Chaffin
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Edwin J. Mierkiewicz
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
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Gina A. DiBraccio
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Jasper S. Halekas
University of Iowa
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Sarah A Henderson
Montana State University
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Nicholas M. Schneider
University of Colorado Boulder
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Justin Deighan
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Sonal Jain
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Norberto Romanelli
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
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Christina O. Lee
University of California, Berkeley
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Majd Mayyasi
Boston University
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Ali Rahmati
University of California, Berkeley
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Davin E. Larson
University of California, Berkeley
Author Profile
Shannon M. Curry
University of Colorado Boulder
Author Profile


We compare observations of hydrogen (H) and protons associated with Martian proton aurora activity, co-evaluating remote sensing and in situ measurements during these events. Following the currently understood relationship between penetrating protons and H energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) in the formation of proton aurora, we observe an expected correlation between the H Lyman-alpha (Ly-α) emission enhancement (used herein as a proxy for H-ENAs) and penetrating proton flux. However, we observe a notable spread in the trend between these two datasets. We find that this spread is contemporaneous with one of two major impacting events: high dust activity or extreme solar activity. Proton aurora events exhibiting a relative excess in penetrating proton flux compared to Ly-α enhancement tend to correspond with periods of high dust activity. Conversely, proton aurora events exhibiting a relative deficit of penetrating proton flux compared to Ly-α enhancement are qualitatively associated with periods of extreme solar activity. Moreover, we find that the largest proton aurora events occur during concurrent dust storm and solar events, primarily due to the compounding intensified increase in H column density above the bow shock. Finally, we present a simplified empirical estimate for Ly-α emission enhancement during proton aurora events based on observed penetrating proton flux and a knowledge of local dust/solar activity at the time, providing a straightforward method for predicting auroral activity when direct observations are not available. The results of this study advance our understanding of the interconnected relationship between H and protons during Martian proton aurora activity.
08 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
09 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive