Focus-MOT: Multi-target tracking detection algorithm with fine-grained
feature extraction aggregation
This work proposes a multi-target tracking and detection algorithm
Focus-MOT based on feature refinement extraction fusion, t through the
designed Field Enhancement Refinement Module and Information Aggregation
Module, which effectively reduces the number of target ID
switching.Jointly learns the Detector and Embedding model method becomes
the mainstream of multi-target tracking and detection due to its fast
detection speed, its Re-ID branch needs to use low-dimensional features
and high-dimensional features to accommodate both large and small
targets, however, its insufficient feature extraction leads to high
ID_SW. Therefore this work aims to extract features of different levels
for aggregation as a way to reduce the number of ID switching. The
experimental results show a 2.7% improvement in MOTA and a 2300 times
decrease in ID_SW relative to the results of the FairMOT algorithm on
the MOT17 dataset.