Associations between clinical signs, endoscopic and cytological findings
in equine bronchoalveolar lavage samples
Background: Endoscopy, including tracheal mucus score (TMS) and
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid cytology, are commonly used to
diagnose equine asthma (EA). Large-scale studies comparing clinical
signs, TMS and BAL cytology are warranted. Objectives: Investigate
associations between clinical signs of EA, tracheal mucus score and BAL
cytology. Study design: cross-sectional study Methods: Data from 604
horses, each horse having one BAL cytology sample evaluated at the
laboratory service at the Large Animal Teaching Hospital in Denmark,
with further information provided by an owner questionnaire and
veterinarian performing the endoscopy and BAL. Results: Tracheal mucus
score increased significantly with EA severity, BAL neutrophilia and
owner reported coughing, but not with BAL mastocytosis. Owner complaint
of coughing was associated with an increasing amount of BAL neutrophils,
but not with an increase in BAL mast cells. Poor performance was not
correlated to BAL neutrophils, mast cells or TMS. Percentage of BAL
aspirated was found lower in the SEA group compared to the non-asthmatic
and MEA groups. Main limitations: Several different veterinarians
performed the BAL sampling, BAL samples were shipped and a 24 hour delay
in processing of the sample. Not able to adjust for season as these data
was not recorded. Conclusion: this large-scale study showed a
correlation between TMS and increasing severity of lower airway
inflammation, confirming TMS as a reliable diagnostic factor for EA.
Owner complaint of coughing, was found to be associated with TMS and BAL
neutrophilia, and poor performance without coughing is not a reliable
parameter for EA.