Decadal Changes in Anthropogenic Inputs and Precipitation Influence
Riverine Exports of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus, and Alter
Ecosystem Level Stoichiometry
Changes in precipitation and land use influence carbon (C), nitrogen (N)
and phosphorus (P) exports from land to receiving waters. However, how
these drivers differentially alter elemental inputs and impact
subsequent ecosystem stoichiometry over time remains poorly understood.
Here we quantified long-term (1979-2020) trends in C, N, and P exports
at three sites along the mainstem of a north temperate river, that
successively drains forested, urban, and more agriculturally impacted
land-use areas. Riverine N and to a lesser degree C exports tended to
increase over time, with major inter-annual variation largely resolved
by changes in precipitation. Historical increases in net anthropogenic N
inputs on land (NANI) also explained increases in riverine N exports,
with about 35% of NANI reaching the river annually. Despite higher Net
anthropogenic P inputs, NAPI, over time, P exports tended to decrease at
all riverine sites. This decrease in P at the forested site was more
gradual, whereas a precipitous drop was observed at the downstream urban
site, following legislated P removal in municipal wastewater. Changes in
historical ecosystem stoichiometry reflected the differential elemental
exports due to natural and anthropogenic drivers and ranged from 174:
23: 1 to 547: 76: 1 over the years. Our work shows how C, N, and P have
responded to different drivers in the same catchment over the last four
decades, and how their differential riverine exports have influenced
ecosystem stoichiometry.